Returnees and locals pose for a picture at the site of the Argyle International Airport as part of the Development Tour 2011
SVG Diaspora Week of Activities was first celebrated in 2011 with a week of activities targeted to raising awareness around International Migrants Day, which is celebrated on December 18 every year. The goal is to bring awareness to the situation of Migrants across the globe, including their contributions and challenges. The week usually includes: An International Migrants Day Message, radio or TV programs, development tours, lectures, church services and Diaspora Morning at the National Nine Morning celebrations. |
Workshop facilitator, Sherrill-Ann Mason, engages participants at the 2015 Leadership Development workshop focused on "Women, Migration and Development"
Leadership Development initiatives are held annually and focus on capacity building, and issues of Diasporas, Migration & Development. The goal is to equip quality twenty-first century leaders with a greater understanding of how these issues impact Caribbean migrants, especially those in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Diaspora. |
“Let him who has not a single speck of migration to blot his family escutcheon cast the first stone...if you didn't migrate then your father did, and if your father didn't need to move from place to place, then it was only because your grandfather before him had no choice but to go, put his old life behind him in search of the bread that his own land denied him...”
― José Saramago, The Notebook